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Cited article:

The effect of Baquacil on pathogenic free‐living amoebae (PFLA) 1. In axenic conditions

Mark W. Dawson, Tim J. Brown and Desmond G. Till
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 17 (3) 305 (1983)

Granulomatous encephalitis, intracranial arteritis, and mycotic aneurysm due to a free-living ameba

A. Julio Mart�nez, Cirilo Sotelo-Avila, Hilda Alcal� and Eddy Willaert
Acta Neuropathologica 49 (1) 7 (1980)

Effect of disinfectants on pathogenic free-living amoebae: in axenic conditions

R T Cursons, T J Brown and E A Keys
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 40 (1) 62 (1980)