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Age-grading and growth of Wuchereria bancrofti (Filariidea: Onchocercidae) larvae by growth measurements and its use for estimating blood-meal intervals of its Polynesian vector Aedes polynesiensis (Diptera: Culicidae)

Frédéric Lardeux and Jules Cheffort
International Journal for Parasitology 32 (6) 705 (2002)

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B.C. Ho, E.-H. Yap and M. Singh
Parasitology 85 (3) 567 (1982)

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Evelyn B. Beckett and W. W. Macdonald
Parasitology 61 (2) 211 (1970)

Histochemical observations on Aedes Aegypti infected with larvae of Brugia Malayi

Evelyn B. Beckett
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 59 (4) 461 (1965)

The Identification of Infective Filarial Larvae in Mosquitoes: with a Note on the Species Found in “Wild” Mosquitoes on the Kenya Coast

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Journal of Helminthology 33 (2-3) 233 (1959)