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Fauna of simuliids (Diptera: Simuliidae) of the Tormes River hydrographic basin in central-western Spain and their responses to abiotic factors in their habitats

David López-Peña, Manuel Salvador Portillo-Rubio, Eduardo Moisés García-Roger, Álvaro Lis-Cantín and José Vicente Falcó-Garí
Acta Tropica 261 107516 (2025)

Bioecology of blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of the water basin of the Huebra River (Western Spain)

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Limnetica 44 (2) 1 (2024)

New faunal records, with taxonomic annotations, for the blackflies of Turkey (Diptera, Simuliidae)

Roger W. Crosskey and Heide Zwick
Aquatic Insects 29 (1) 21 (2007)

An investigation of the blackfly fauna of Andalusia, southern Spain (Diptera: Simuliidae)

Roger W. Crosskey and Margaret E. Crosskey
Journal of Natural History 34 (6) 895 (2000)

New species and new records of the Blackfly subgenusSimulium (Obuchovia)from Spain and Portugal (Diptera: Simuliidae)

R. W. Crosskey and A. J. Santos Grácio
Aquatic Insects 7 (3) 149 (1985)