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Cited article:

Suppression of Babasia microti infection in mice concurrently infected with Fasciola hepatica

B.O. Fagbemi, N.Ø. Christensen and P. Nansen
Veterinary Parasitology 17 (2) 101 (1985)

Babesia hylomysci in mice: Preference for erythrocytes of a particular age-group and pathogenesis of the anaemia

H. S. Hussein
Zeitschrift f�r Parasitenkunde 50 (2) 103 (1976)

The preferential invasion of young erythrocytes in acute Babesia bigemina infections of splenectomised calves

I. G. Wright and J. D. Kerr
Zeitschrift f�r Parasitenkunde 43 (2) 63 (1974)

Die Infektion Jugendlicher Erythrocyten durch das Plasmodium vivax

Ernst Thonnard-Neumann and Werner Stahlmann
Klinische Wochenschrift 26 (27-28) 423 (1948)