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Cited article:

Endoparasites of Six Species of Ranid and One Species of Myobatrachid Frog, with a Review of Anuran Endoparasites from Papua New Guinea

Stephen R. Goldberg, Charles R. Bursey and Fred Kraus
Comparative Parasitology 80 (2) 259 (2013)

A new species of Amplicaecum (Nematoda) from the carpet snake (Morelia argus variegatus): with a re-definition and a key for the genus

J. F. A. Sprent and J. J. Mines
Parasitology 50 (1-2) 183 (1960)

II.—Descriptions of two new parasitic nematodes from a West African “Hairy Frog” (Ranidæ)

J.H. Sandground
Annals and Magazine of Natural History 12 (67) 29 (1933)