Open Access

Table 5

Molecular variability and statistical tests of neutrality of the mitochondrial cox1 haplotypes of Clinostomum complanatum from Slovakia and Italy.

Parameter/tests Slovakia Italy
N 55 102
S 19 30
PIS 15 28
H 17 22
Hd 0.890 0.926
Pi 0.00577 0.00629
Fu and Li’s F* 0.2507 (p = 0.61300) 0.7521 (p = 0.79600)
Tajima’s D 0.4706 (p = 0.73900) −0.3878 (p = 0.40460)
Ramos-Onsins and Rozas’ R2 0.1227 (p = 0.72850) 0.0862 (p = 0.45980)
Raggedness statistics 0.0420 (p = 0.40640) 0.0228 (p = 0.18180)

N, number of analysed samples; S, number of segregating sites; PIS, number of parsimony-informative sites; H, number of haplotypes; Hd, haplotype diversity; Pi, nucleotide diversity.

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