Open Access

Table 4

Summary of mitochondrial cox1 haplotypes (CO1-Ha) of Clinostomum complanatum from Italy.

Locality Haplotype No. of samples GenBank Acc. No.
Idice River (IT-ID) CO1-Ha1 9 PQ461981PQ461989
CO1-Ha3 5 PQ462000PQ462004
CO1-Ha11 3 PQ462014PQ462016
CO1-Ha12 1 PQ462027
CO1-Ha13 2 PQ462029PQ462030
CO1-Ha14 1 PQ462037
CO1-Ha17 3 PQ462040PQ462042
CO1-Ha19 6 PQ458471PQ458476
CO1-Ha20 4 PQ458533PQ458536
CO1-Ha22 2 PQ458557PQ458558
CO1-Ha24 1 PQ458564
CO1-Ha28 1 PQ458631
∑ 38
Santerno River (IT-SA) CO1-Ha1 3 PQ461990PQ461992
CO1-Ha11 1 PQ462017
CO1-Ha13 1 PQ462031
CO1-Ha14 1 PQ462038
CO1-Ha17 1 PQ462043
CO1-Ha18 3 PQ458477PQ458479
CO1-Ha27 1 PQ458598
∑ 11
Bidente-Ronco (IT-BI) CO1-Ha22 1 PQ458559
CO1-Ha18 1 PQ458480
∑ 2
Reno River (IT-RE) CO1-Ha1 4 PQ461993PQ461996
CO1-Ha6 1 PQ462010
CO1-Ha11 4 PQ462018PQ462021
CO1-Ha12 1 PQ462028
CO1-Ha13 1 PQ462032
CO1-Ha18 3 PQ458481PQ458483
CO1-Ha24 1 PQ458565
CO1-Ha25 2 PQ458595PQ458596
CO1-Ha26 2 PQ458593PQ458594
CO1-Ha27 1 PQ458599
∑ 20
Lamone River (IT-LA) CO1-Ha1 3 PQ461997PQ461999
CO1-Ha3 2 PQ462005PQ462006
CO1-Ha5 3 PQ462007PQ462009
CO1-Ha6 3 PQ462011PQ462013
CO1-Ha11 4 PQ462022PQ462025
CO1-Ha13 4 PQ462033PQ462036
CO1-Ha14 1 PQ462039
CO1-Ha18 1 PQ458484
CO1-Ha21 3 PQ458540PQ458542
CO1-Ha23 3 PQ458560PQ458562
CO1-Ha29 1 PQ458630
CO1-Ha30 1 PQ458632
∑ 29
Sesto Fiorentino (IT-SF) CO1-Ha11 1 PQ462026
CO1-Ha21 1 PQ458543
∑ 2
Total CO1-Ha1, 3, 5, 6, 11–14, 17 102

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