Open Access
Table 2
Summary of the complete and partial sequences of the mitochondrial cox1 gene of Clinostomum complanatum from GenBank.
Country (code) | Locality | Host species (Type) | Acc. number | No. | Sequence size (bp) | References |
Complete sequences | ||||||
Italy (IT) | Santerno River | Squalius cephalus (F) | MK814187 | 1 | 1,557 | [21] |
Iran (IR) | Mazandaran Province | Nycticorax nycticorax (B) | OP681143 | 1 | 1,557 | [26] |
Partial sequences | ||||||
Turkey (TR) | Central Anatolia Region | S. cephalus (F) | MF928768–MF928774 | 7 | 582 | [32] |
Samsun | Ardea cinerea (B) | MT602068 | 1 | 557 | Unpublished | |
Iran (IR) | Northwestern Iran | Cyprinus carpio (F) | OP709260–OP709261 | 2 | 350 | Unpublished |
Aras River | C. carpio (F) | OP984764 | 1 | 620 | Unpublished | |
Isfahan City | Capoeta capoeta (F) | OP678025–OP678026 | 2 | 669 | [26] | |
Iraq (IQ) | Southeastern Iraq | Carasobarbus luteus (F) | MZ047970 | 1 | 389 | Unpublished |
Egypt (EG) | Giza Governorate | Oreochromis niloticus (F) | MT140101 | 1 | 593 | [31] |
Northeastern Egypt | Nile tilapia (F) | OQ407866 | 1 | 620 | Unpublished | |
Northeastern Egypt | n. a. | OQ380615 | 1 | 591 | Unpublished | |
Northeastern Egypt | N. tilapia (F) | PP177452 | 1 | 669 | Unpublished | |
Italy (IT) | Bologna, Santerno River | S. cephalus (F) | JF718588 | 1 | 610 | [1] |
Bologna, Santerno River | S. cephalus (F) | JF718590 | 1 | 620 | [1] | |
Bologna, Santerno River | S. cephalus (F) | JF718593 | 1 | 450 | [1] | |
Bologna, Santerno River | S. cephalus (F) | JF718594 | 1 | 617 | [1] | |
Bologna, Santerno River | Barbus meridionalis (F) | JF718592 | 1 | 345 | [1] | |
Bologna, Sillaro River | Barbus barbus (F) | JF718591 | 1 | 622 | [1] | |
Bologna, Sillaro River | B. barbus (F) | JF718595 | 1 | 618 | [1] | |
Pieve di Soligo, Soligo River | Lepomis gibbosus (F) | JF718589 | 1 | 597 | [1] | |
Piemonte, Northern Italy | Cobitis bilineata (F) | KU236382 | 1 | 621 | [13] | |
Sesto Fiorentino, Tuscany | Lissotriton vulgaris (A) | KM518245–KM518254 | 10 | 604–619 | [2] | |
Romania (RO) | Tulcea City, Danube Delta | Scardinius erythrophthalmus (F) | MK801718 | 1 | 620 | [21] |
Rosu Lake, Danube Delta | Perca fluviatilis (F) | MK801719 | 1 | 583 | [21] |
Legend: F, fish; B, bird; A, amphibian; n. a., data not available; No., number of sequenced flukes. Note: graphical interpretation of data is presented in Figure 3.
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