Figure 5

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Haplotype network diagram of (A) analysis no. 1 (828 bp; Fig. 3, blue lines) based on cox1 haplotypes of Clinostomum complanatum from Slovakia/SK, Italy/IT, and Iran/IR; (B) analysis no. 2 (549 bp; Fig. 3, green lines) based on mitochondrial cox1 haplotypes of C. complanatum from SK, IT, IR, Turkey/TR, Egypt/EG and Romania/RO. The size of the haplotypes is proportional to the number of samples. Each hatch mark represents a single mutation, while black dots symbolise missing or unsampled haplotypes. Originally analysed haplotypes are displayed by haplotype numbers, data from GenBank are displayed by country names (Fig. 5A) or country codes (Fig. 5B). Details on haplotype numbers are given in Tables 3 and 4.
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