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Schematic interpretation of the complete and partial sequences of the mitochondrial cox1 gene of Clinostomum complanatum from GenBank as summarised in Table 2. Country codes: SK, newly analysed sequences of C. complanatum from Slovakia; IT, newly analysed sequences of C. complanatum from Italy; complete, complete cox1 sequence; IR, Iran; TR, Turkey; IQ, Iraq; EG, Egypt; RO, Romania. Red arrows, annealing positions of primers designed for amplification of partial cox1 in samples from Slovakia and Italy; grey lines, schematic regions of cox1 genes from GenBank; blue lines, cox1 regions selected for analysis no. 1; green lines, cox1 regions used for analysis no. 2; numbers, beginnings and ends of the respective sequences; the numbers with asterisks indicate sequences with alternative beginnings and ends.

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