Open Access

Table 3

Total number of Culicoides species captured in Chiang Mai and Nakhon Si Thammarat provinces, Thailand, February–July 2024.

Sr. No. Culicoides species Number of biting midges
All Total
Chiang Mai
Nakhon Si Thammarat
Male Female
Total Male Female
Parous Engorged Gravid Nulliparous Parous Engorged Gravid Nulliparous
1. C. asiana 15 92 0 0 20 127 2 26 0 0 15 43 170
2. C. peregrinus 22 537 3 2 108 672 12 605 4 2 82 705 1,377
3. C. innoxius 21 481 3 1 93 599 19 647 3 2 81 752 1,351
4. C. arakawae 15 561 3 0 137 716 6 226 0 0 56 288 1,004
5. C. mahasarakhamense 18 581 4 0 89 692 3 137 0 0 34 174 866
6. C. oxystoma 12 264 1 0 82 359 1 122 0 0 21 144 503
7. C. palpifer 2 121 0 0 26 149 2 118 0 0 18 138 287
8. C. huffi 3 66 0 0 14 83 2 105 0 0 12 119 202
9. C. shortti 1 86 0 0 9 96 1 48 0 0 17 66 162
10. C. guttifer 2 93 3 0 17 115 2 49 3 0 26 80 195
11. C. fulvus 7 49 0 0 57 113 1 60 0 0 14 75 188
12. C. orientalis 1 22 0 0 48 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 71
13. C. fordae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 138 0 0 16 154 154
14. C. insignipennis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 11 11
15. Culicoides sp. (unknown) 0 30 2 5 0 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 37
Total 119 2,983 19 8 700 3,829 51 2,292 10 4 392 2,749 6,578

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