Figure 6

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Histology of L. crocea infected with trypanosomes. A: trypanosomes (black arrow) were observed in vessels of the gill. B: hyperplasia (blue arrow) and gill epithelial detachment (red arrow) were evident in secondary lamellae. C: a massive amount of trypanosomes (black arrow) were inside the vessels of the liver. D: vacuolated hepatocytes (green arrow) were observed in the liver. E: trypanosomes (black arrow) were inside the spleen and atrophy of the white pulp was evident (blue arrowhead) in the areas near the location where the trypanosomes were located. F: the tubular epithelial cells in the kidney were detached (yellow cycle). Parasites were found in the brain (G) and heart (H). All scale bars = 50 μm (except in D, scale bar = 20 μm).
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