Table 1

Measurements of Dactylogyrus dominici Mashego, 1983 and Dactylogyrus teresae Mashego, 1983 from the present study based on LM and SEM micrographs, compared with those presented in the descriptions by Mashego (1983) and measurements of the type series (TM12372 A&B; TM12374 A&B) studied here.

Reference D. dominici Mashego, 1983
D. teresae Mashego, 1983
Present study SEM Present study LM Mashego [37] Type material Present study SEM Present study LM Mashego [37] Type material
 Total Length 413 ± 89 (205–586) 218–419 360 ± 28 (316–389) 405 ± 83.3 (231–487) 238–413 336 ± 25 (317–376)
 Total Width 73 ± 26 (28–142) 31–75 63 ± 4 (59–70) 72 ± 19 (45–100) 38–69 78 ± 7 (69–89)
 Total length 50 ± 1 (48–51) 51 ± 1 (48–55) 58–80 54 ± 6 (49–64) 73 ± 0.3 (72–73) 74 ± 2 (71–77) 100–106 72 ± 1 (70–74)
 Shaft length 39 ± 0.3 (38–39) 40 ± 1 (37–42) 40–54 38 ± 0.7 (37–39) 60 ± 1 (59–62) 62 ± 2 (58–65) 69–75 59 ± 3 (55–61)
 Inner root length 18 ± 0.4 (18–19) 19 ± 1 (18–23) 19 ± 0.8 (18–20) 20 ± 0.5 (19–20) 20 ± 0.8 (18–21) 23–29 21 ± 1 (19–23)
 Outer root length 3 ± 0.9 (2–4) 4 ± 0.5 (3–6) 4 ± 0.6 (3–5) 5 ± 0.6 (4–5) 5 ± 0.4 (4–6) 6 –8 5 ± 1 (5–7)
 Point length 17 ± 0.7 (16–17) 16 ± 0.7 (15–18) 15–19 16 ± 0.8 (15–17) 18 ± 1 (17–20) 20 ± 2 (17–22) 13–19 19 ± 0.7 (18–19)
Transverse bar
 Total width 43 ± 2 (41–44) 43 ± 6 (31–54) 43–58 41 ± 3 (38–43) 37 ± 1 (36–39) 41 ± 3 (36–46) 44–50 43 ± 3 (40–45.9)
 Total length 5 ± 0.4 (5–6) 5 ± 1 (3–7) 4–5 5 ± 0.6 (5–6) 4 ± 0.6 (4–5) 5 ± 0.6 (4–6) 4–6 5 ± 0.3 (4–5)
 LAL 22 ± 1 (20–23) 21 ± 2 (19–26) 21 ± 2 (19–23) 19 ± 0.9 (17–9) 21 ± 1.4 (19–22) 19 ± 1 (18–20)
 MPL 10 ± 0.6 (9–10) 9 ± 0.7 (7–10) 9 ± 1 (8–10) 8 ± 0.7 (7–9) 8 ± 0.7 (7–9) 8 ± 0.4 (8–9)
Hooks 7 pairs 8 pairs
 Average 17–22 17–25 19–25 18–23 17–20 16–25 18–25 17–24
 I 18 ± 0.6 (17–19) 17 ± 0.7 (16–19)
 II 22 ± 0.6 (20–23) 22 ± 0.5 (21–23)
 III 21 ± 0.7 (20–23) 21 ± 0.4 (21–22)
 IV 20 ± 0.6 (19–21) 20 ± 0.3 (20–21)
 V 18 ± 0.5 (17–19) 19 ± 0.4 (18–20)
 VI 19 ± 0.4 (18–20) 20 ± 0.4 (19–20)
 VII 23 ± 0.6 (22–25) 23 ± 1 (20–25)
Male copulatory organ
 Copulatory duct 46 ± 2 (42–47) 46 ± 3 (39–50) 25–45 46 ± 3 (42–48) 43 ± 0.2 (42–43) 43 ± 4 (38.4–52.2) 20 (28–31)
 Accessory piece 26 ± 2 (23–27) 28 ± 1 (25–31) 15–19 28 ± 2 (26–31) 28 ± 0.6 (27–28) 27 ± 1 (26–30) 14–19 26 (n = 1)
 Hook length 6 ± 0.4 (6–7) 7 ± 0.9 (5–8) 7 ± 0.6 (6–7) 8 ± 0.8 (8.3–8.4) 7 ± 1 (5–8) 7 (n = 1)
 Total length 16 (n = 1) 12 ± 2 (7–18) 11–16 14 ± 0.5 (13–14) 19 ± 0.9 (18–19) 21 ± 3 (16–25) 28–31 20 ± 4 (15–24)
 Total width 7 (n = 1) 6 ± 1 (5–10) 4–6 7 ± 0.6 (6–7) 18 ± 3 (15–20) 21 ± 4 (15–28) 13 20 ± 4 (17–27)

En-dash – measurements not done.

MPL: Medial part length; LRL: Lateral arm length.

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