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Alobophora sandrae Cajiao-Mora and Bullard n. gen., n. sp. (Digenea: Caballerotrematidae) (holotype USNM 1717984) from the intestine of an arapaima, Arapaima gigas (Schinz) sensu lato (Osteoglossiformes: Arapaimidae) from the Amazon River near Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia. Scale value beside bars. Ventral views. A, Head collar. B, Whole body. C, Ventral lobes of head collar. D, Male and female terminal genitalia. E, Detail of female genitalia. Abbreviations: anterior testis (at); cecum terminalia (ct); cirrus (ci); cirrus sac (cs); collar corner spines (ccs); collar dorsal spines (cds); collar lateral spines (cls); common genital pore (cgp); dextral cecum (dc); egg (eg); esophageal bifurcation (eb); head collar (hc); latero aboral (la); latero oral (lo); Laurer’s canal (Lc); medio aboral (ma); medio oral (mo); Mehlis’ gland (Mg); metaterm (me); oötype (oö); ovary (ov); oviduct (od); pars prostatica (pp); prostatic cells (pc); seminal vesicle (sv); transverse vitelline duct (tvd); uterine seminal receptacle (usr); ventral sucker (vs); vitellarium (v); vitelline reservoir (vr).

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