Open Access

Table 1

Total number, global abundance, rank, sex ratio, and occurrence per dog shelter (C (%)/DS) of collected biting midges (Ceratopogonidae: Culicoides) by UV-light/suction trap (OVI type), from April to November 2022, at four dog shelters (DS) in central Morocco.

Species T ♀ (engorged females) Rank Sex ratio C (%)/DS Percentage Cumulative percentage
C. imicola 1,299 1,197 (27) 102 1 11.73 75 55.967 55.967
C. paolae 373 167 206 2 0.81 50 16.071 72.038
C. circumscriptus 239 103 (1) 136 3 0.75 50 10.297 82.335
C. newsteadi 134 120 (3) 14 4 8.57 75 5.773 88.108
C. sahariensis 51 14 37 5 0.37 50 2.197 90.305
C. kingi 50 20 30 6 0.66 50 2.154 92.459
C. puncticollis 42 26 16 7 1.62 50 1.810 94.269
C. kurensis 36 9 27 8 0.33 50 1.551 95.820
C. saevus/langeroni 35 24 (2) 11 9 2.18 50 1.508 97.328
C. univittatus 29 16 13 10 1.23 50 1.249 98.577
C. longipennis 12 10 (1) 2 11 5.00 25 0.517 99.094
C. obsoletus/scoticus 9 5 4 12 1.25 75 0.388 99.482
C. submaritimus 2 2 0 13 50 0.086 99.568
C. clastrieri 1 1 0 14 25 0.044 99.612
Damaged 9 9 0 50 0.388
Total 2,321 1,723 (34) 598 2.88 100

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