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Immunolocalization of EcCLP1 in protoscoleces of Echinococcus canadensis. Protoscoleces were probed with anti-EcCLP1 (green) and anti-Eca-5-HT1a (red) serum and visualized by confocal microscopy. (A) Phase contrast view of the protoscolex shown in (B). (B) Fluorescent image of the protoscolex labeled with anti-EcCLP1 hyperimmune serum. Intense signals like dots were found superficially in the body region. (C) Magnification of the panel (B) showing a dotted pattern of staining on the surface of the tegument. (D) Phase contrast view of the protoscolex shown in (E). (E) Fluorescent image of the protoscolex labeled with anti-Eca-5-HT1a hyperimmune serum. (F) Phase contrast view of the protoscolex shown in (G). (G) Fluorescent image of the protoscolex labeled with the preimmune rabbit serum. The white arrows show the localization of Eca-5-HT1a in the cerebral ganglia in panel E or the localization of EcCLP1 in small dots in panel (C), suggesting a secretory release of the protein. Abbreviations, Bo: body region, Ro: rostellum, Sc: scolex region, Su: sucker.

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