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Figure 4


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Transcriptional levels of several cathepsin L proteases in some life cycle stages from Echinococcus. spp. (A) Transcriptional levels (in FPKM levels) of the E. granulosus s.s. L cathepsins EgCLP1a, EgCLP1b, EgCLP1c, EgCLP1d and EgCLP2 in the protoscolex stage. (B) Transcriptional levels (in FPKM levels) of the E. multilocularis L cathepsins EmCLP1a, EmCLP1b, EmCLP1c, EmCLP1d, and EmCLP2 in the metacestode (black balls), pre-gravid (black squares) and gravid stages (black triangles). The data were obtained from Tsai et al. [37].

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