Open Access

Table 3

Variation at 26 polymorphic sites within the ITS region of the rRNA gene of E. bieneusi isolates obtained in this study.

Genotype Accession No. Nucleotide at position
12 14 23 28 31 41 50 51 52 74 81 93 95 109 113 117 132 141 146 154 158 173 189 196 201 224
EbpC AF076042 G T C T G A T G T A C T G T T G T C G C T G A A T G
D LC436479 C C T T
Peru8 MN747470 C C T
Henan-III MN179308 / /
YND-GC17 OR750543 T
YND-JC50 OR750544 /
YND-LS10 OR750545 A A
YND-YL12 OR750546 C G A G
YND-YL24 OR750547 C
YND-ZY12 OR750548 C A G
YND-ZY13 OR750549 C A T T G A G
YND-ZY15 OR750550 C
YND-ZY21 OR750551 A G G
YND-ZY36 OR750552 G C A
YND-ZY42 OR750553 A G

The symbol “/” denotes base deletion.

The symbol “–” denotes sequence identity to genotype EbpC (AF076042).

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