Open Access

Table 3

Prevalence and distribution of assemblages of G. duodenalis by breeding pattern and age.

Feeding pattern/Age No. samples No. positive Infection rate (%) χ2/p values/OR/95% CI Assemblage (n)
Domestic rearing 178 5 2.8 Reference A (2), B (3)
Large-scale farming 580 124 21.4 33.259/0.000/0.106/0.043–0.264 A (21), B (99), E (4)
<1 years 374 72 19.3 5.487/0.019/1.640/1.081–2.487 A (11), B (57), E (4)
>1 years 323 41 12.7 Reference A (12), B (29)
Unclear 61 16 26.2 B (16)

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