Open Access

Table 2

Prevalence and distribution of assemblages of G. duodenalis infecting donkeys based on amplification and sequence analyses of the SSU rRNA gene in Xinjiang, China.

Sampling site Feeding model No. samples No. positive Infection rate (%) χ2/p values/df Assemblage (n)
Qitai Scale farming 16 0 0.0
Bohu 79 20 25.3 B (19), E (1)
Huocheng 20 5 25.0 B (5)
Pishan-1 41 15 36.6 B (15)
Yopurga 103 25 24.3 A (11), B (13), E (1)
Alar 54 17 31.5 A (2), B (15)
Khorgas 20 1 5.0 B (1)
Turpan 17 6 35.3 B (6)
Gongliu 21 3 14.3 B (1), E (2)
Karakax 88 26 29.5 A (5), B (21)
Barkol-1 11 0 0.0
Yuli 32 2 6.3 B (2)
Kuqa 78 4 5.1 A (3), B (1)
Sub total 580 124 21.4 43.542/0.000/12 A (21), B (99), E (4)
Akqi Domestic rearing 11 1 9.1 B (1)
Barkol-2 21 0 0.0
Zepu 34 1 2.9 B (1)
Yecheng 64 3 4.7 A (2), B (1)
Pishan-2 48 0 0.0
Sub total 178 5 2.8 4.414/0.353/4 A (2), B (3)
Total 758 129 17.0 85.937/0.000/17 A (23), B (102), E (4)

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