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Table 2

Diagnostic characteristics of Profilicollis rancoensis n. sp. from the freshwater crab Aegla abtao Schmitt, 1942 (Decapoda) in Chile compared to the 9 other species in the genus.

Species of Profilicollis Trunk length (mm) Proboscis hooks Max. hook L. (μm) Lemnisci Type or primary hosts Type locality and/or distribution

Adults MM & FF Cysta-canths Rows Hooks per row Hooks 2–4 length Length vs. receptacle Intermediate host (mostly Decapoda) Final host (usually birds) By country and region
P. rancoensis n. sp. 2.10–3.33 14–15 6–7 105–110 Very long, slender Aegla abtao (freshwater) Unknown Ranco Lake, Valdivia, Chile
P. altmani (Perry, 1942) Van Cleave, 1947 4.5–14.0 4.0–7.8 Post. trunk with tail 21–35 9–16 51–70 Plump, equal to receptacle Emerita analoga Larus spp., Melanitta spp., Marilla affinis, etc. & mammals Pacific & Atlantic North & South America
P. antarcticus Zdzitowiecki 1985 14.1–21.1 3.05–4.53 18–22 7–9, 6–8 71–80 Cylinrical, thick, longer than recept. Hemigrapsus crenulatus; Helice crassa Chionis alba & Larus dominicanus Chile & New Zealand; South Shetland Islands
P. arcticus Van Cleave, 1920) Meyer, 1932 16.0–25.0 22 7–8 89–118 Pyriform, little longer than recept. Somateria spectabilis; S. nigra North America, NW Canada & Russia
P. botulus (Van Cleave, 1916) Witenberg, 1932 13.0– 22.0 1.8–2.6 15–20 7–8 80–96; 76–87 Plump-bulbous, ca. equal to receptacle Carcinus maenas; Hemigrapsus oregonensis; Hyas araneus Somateria mollissima & Bucephala clangula, etc. North America; Scotland & Eurasia
P. chasmagnathi (Holcman-Spector, Maňé-Garzón, Dei-Cas, 1978) Amin, 1992 2.5–28.6 1.5–4.1 16–22 7–9 83–91 Post. hooks longer Slender, little longer than receptacle Chasmagnathus granulata, Cryptograpsus, angulatus, C. altimanus Larus atlanticus, L. dominicanus Montevideo, Uruguay & Mar Chiquita, Argentina; SW Atlantic coast
P. formosus (Schmidt & Kuntz, 1967) Hoklova, 1974 13.0–18.5 2.0 12–15 7–9 95–117 Long, flat, widest at middle Macrobrachium mammillodactylus (freshwater crayfish) Anas platyrhynchos Taiwan
P. major Lundström, 1942 16.0–40 16–20 7–10 92–108 Long, widest at middle Cancer irroratus off Eastern coast of N. America Bucephala spp., Aythya affinis, Melanitta deglandii, Enhydra lutris nereis Sweden, Europe, Maine (USA)
P. novaezelandensis Brockerhoff and Smales, 2002 4.4–22.0 3.5–4.3 14–16 7–8 85–110 hook tips recurved Long, thick, cylindrical Hemigrapsus crenulatus; Macrophthalmus hirtips; Helix crassa Haematopus ostralegus finschi; Limosa lapponica Avon Heathcote Estuary, New Zealand & Golden Bay, South Island
P. sphaerocephalus (Bremser in Rudolphi, 1819) Van Cleave, 1947 9.0–22.0 2.3–3.5, ant. trunk cylindrical 17–21 7–8 69–73 (150 ?) Long, cylindrical, slender Paragrapsus spp.; Brachynotus spinosus & Cyclograpsus granulosus, Cherax Larus dominicanus, L. novaehollandiiae Haematopus spp. Brazil, Montevideo, South Australia, Tasmania

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