Open Access

Table 5

Morphometrics of species of Onchobdella infecting chromidotilapiines cichlids. min–max, minimum and maximum value; SD, standard deviation; n, sample size.

Measure Onchobdella krachii
Onchobdella macrohamuli n. sp.
Ochobdella yemojae n. sp.
mean min–max SD n mean min–max SD n mean min–max SD n
DAa 37.6 29.1–46.8 4.6 51 120.0 95.6–131.7 14.1 5 39.4 33.2–45 3.6 20
DAb 26.7 19.4–31.1 2.6 49 102.5 92–107.2 6.2 5 29.5 24.3–34.6 3 19
DAc 2.8 1.1–5.1 0.9 47 4.3 2.3–7 1.8 5 2.2 1–5.5 1.4 18
DAd 15.9 10.2–22.2 2.8 51 28.8 14.6–45.4 13.5 5 13.7 11.3–17 1.7 19
DAe 16.3 10.8–19.8 2.5 52 28.1 24.9–31.2 2.6 5 20 15.7–25.2 2.4 21
DBw 5.5 3.2–7.7 1.1 57 17.8 14.2–21.6 3.4 5 5 2.9–9.7 1.5 22
DBx 41.3 23.9–54.6 7.3 56 70.4 60.1–79.1 7.3 5 38.5 31.4–49.8 5.5 22
VAa 13.8 11–17.3 1.1 53 15.5 14.5–16.4 0.9 5 8 6.6–9.7 1 21
VAb 11.8 9.5–15.1 0.8 53 16.1 14.6–18.6 1.7 5 7.9 6.6–9.5 0.9 21
VAc 2.3 1.2–4 0.6 53 3 2.5–4.1 0.7 5 1.6 0.8–2.3 0.4 20
VAd 6.5 5.2–8.3 0.8 53 5.3 4–8.2 1.6 5 4.1 3.3–5.4 0.5 21
VAe 6.8 5.2–8.8 0.8 53 7.1 4.5–9.8 2.3 5 4.2 2.6–5.5 0.8 20
VBw 3.1 1.9–4.8 0.6 52 2.7 1.9–3.4 1.1 2 1.5 1.3–1.8 0.2 11
VBx 30.5 19.2–41.6 4.6 52 42.5 40.4–44.6 3 2 20.2 16.3–22.4 1.8 9
H 14.3 11.9–16.3 1.2 19 16.5 15.7–16.9 0.5 4 13.4 10.5–15.5 1.9 5
Pe 53.3 33.1–99.8 11.8 66 65.4 1 2 36.6 28.8–45.2 4.7 17
AP 21.1 14.1–41.6 3.8 63 32.3 27.7–36.8 6.4 2 30.3 21–44.8 6.8 17

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