Open Access

Table 1

Sampling sites and dates of host specimens in the collection of the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA) in Tervuren, Belgium, and monogenean gill parasites found on their gills.

Host RMCA accession number # samples # infected Collection date Country Locality Latitude Longitude Parasite # parasites
Chromidotilpia elongata Lamboj RMCA_Vert_1991.068.P.2121-2125 1 1 30/07/1991 Republic of the Congo Mavemba River, tributary of Loukoula on the right bank, 2 km downstream from Mpounga −4.283 12.450 Cichlidogyrus ophioglossus n. sp. 4
Cichlidogyrus gnomon n. sp. 2
Chromidotilapia guntheri (Sauvage) RMCA_Vert_1973.005.P.4955-4978 4 3 24/10/1966 Cameroon Lake Barombi-Kotto 4.467 9.250 Cichlidogyrus dibangoi n. sp. 1
Cichlidogyrus ataikputu n. sp. 8
Cichlidogyrus tilapiae 7
Chromidotilapia guntheri (Sauvage) RMCA_Vert_1991.010.P.0542-0582 8 7 1–10/12/1990 Nigeria New Calabar river, Akpor 4.867 6.900 Cichlidogyrus ataikputu n. sp. 9
Cichlidogyrus tilapiae 2
Onchobdella krachii 29
Chromidotilapia kingsleyae Boulenger RMCA_Vert_2002.006.P.2722-2768 3 3 19/09/2001 Gabon streamlet, affluent of Moukalaba River, Nyanga basin −2.783 10.767 Cichlidogyrus ophioglossus n. sp. 133
Chromidotilapia linkei Staeck RMCA_Vert_1992.144.P.0250-0261 1 1 07/11/1990 Cameroon road Yabassi–Yingui 4.468 10.135 Cichlidogyrus dibangoi n. sp. 3
Cichlidogyrus ataikputu n. sp. 8
Onchobdella krachii 53
Cichlidogyrus tilapiae 15
Congochromis dimidiatus (Pellegrin) RMCA_Vert_P.174947-174968 4 1 29/09/1969 Democratic Republic of the Congo Boende, Tshuapa Province −0.233 20.833 Cichlidogyrus tshuapa n. sp. 2
Pelvicachromis roloffi (Thys van den Audenaerde) RMCA_Vert_1973.010.P.6699-6703 2 1 05/04/1969 Sierra Leone Kamaranka, near Rokupr 10–15 km, road Rokupr-Kambia 9.07 −12.93 Cichlidogyrus sp. ‘Pelvicachromis roloffi 1
Thysochromis ansorgii (Boulenger) RMCA_Vert_1984.022.P.0012-0014 1 1 03/1984 Nigeria Oshika, 10 km North–West of Ahoada 5.117 6.633 Onchobdella macrohamuli n. sp. 2
Onchobdella yemojae n. sp. 4
Thysochromis ansorgii (Boulenger) RMCA_Vert_1973.005.P.4470-4476 2 2 13/09/1966 Côte d’Ivoire Attingué, Agnébi Basin 5.470 −4.183 Cichlidogyrus thysochromis n. sp. 1
Onchobdella macrohamuli n. sp. 2
Onchobdella yemojae n. sp. 19
Thysochromis ansorgii (Boulenger) RMCA_Vert_1973.005.P.4478-4503 5 3 14/10/1966 Benin Whedda, River Ouémé 6.750 2.467 Onchobdella macrohamuli n. sp. 1
Onchobdella yemojae n. sp. 5
Divandu albimarginatus Lamboj & Snoeks RMCA_Vert_2001.070.P.2843-2867 4 0 21/02/2001 Gabon streamlet 9km off Mitzic en route to Na 0.8175 11.62
Divandu albimarginatus Lamboj & Snoeks RMCA_Vert_1999.090.P.2083-2214 26 0 29/08/1998 Gabon stream crossing road Bongolo- Mbélénaletembé, Ngounié-Ogooué basin −2.320 11.501
Benitochromis batesii (Boulenger) RMCA_Vert_1992.144.P.0073-0109 7 0 26/12/1989 Cameroon Bidou II, Meyo River, close to Kribi 2.850 10.017
Teleogramma brichardi Poll RMCA_Vert_P.177679-177684 2 0 1967 Democratic Republic of the Congo Pool Malebo, Kinshasa −4.300 15.300
Parananochromis caudifasciatus (Boulenger) RMCA_Vert_2001.070.P.2880-2903 4 0 25/02/2001 Gabon Mintoumou, swamp close to the village Engone 1.550 11.440
Benitochromis finleyi (Trewavas) RMCA_Vert_1978.046.P.0135-0146 2 0 02/02/1968 Equatorial Guinea Bioko Island, Fernando Po, Río Timbabe, stagnant pools in dry river 3.733 8.733
Parananochromis gabonicus (Trewavas) RMCA_Vert_2001.070.P.2907-2928 4 0 21/02/2001 Gabon Streamlet 9km away from Mitzic on the way to Na 0.818 11.62
Teleogramma gracile Boulenger RMCA_Vert_1976.017.P.0024-0033 2 0 15/07/1973 Democratic Republic of the Congo Congo River mainstream, near Bulu, West of Luozi −5.017 14.017
Chromidotilapia kingsleyae Boulenger RMCA_Vert_1990.057.P.0881-0903 4 0 10/10/1990 Republic of the Congo Loulimba River, village Doumanga III, road Bénai to Kakamoeka, 9km away from Kakamoeka −4.083 12.017
Parananochromis longirostris (Boulenger) RMCA_Vert_2002.006.P.3133-3154 4 0 10/09/2001 Gabon Loa Loa, Ivindo River, Ogôoué Basin −0.521 12.823
Chromidotilapia mamonekenei Lamboj RMCA_Vert_2005.036.P.0432-0445 2 0 17/08/2006 Republic of the Congo Mouhoula River at Loubetsi, Kouilou-Niari Basin −3.237 12.287
Nanochromis nudiceps (Boulenger) RMCA_Vert_P.174305-174313 2 0 1–31/03/1959 Democratic Republic of the Congo Lodja, Sankuru, Kasaï region −3.483 23.433
Nanochromis nudiceps (Boulenger) RMCA_Vert_P.118107-118112 1 0 24/09/1957 Democratic Republic of the Congo Pool Malebo, Kinsuka, rapids at the exit of the pool −4.333 15.217
Nanochromis parilus Roberts & Stewart RMCA_Vert_P.118101-118106 1 0 17/08/1954 Democratic Republic of the Congo Pool Malebo −4.100 15.250
Nanochromis parilus Roberts & Stewart RMCA_Vert_P.98018-98026 3 0 12/08/1954 Democratic Republic of the Congo Tsabuka, Congo rapids, Kinshasa −4.433 15.167
Pelvicachromis pulcher (Boulenger) RMCA_Vert_1990.019.P.0463-0490 3 0 15/05/1989 Nigeria 3 km South of Isiokpo, New Calabar system 4.950 6.883
Pelvicachromis roloffi (Thys van den Audenaerde) RMCA_Vert_1973.010.P.6882-6885 1 0 10/05/1969 Liberia Bombo junction, swamps and tributaries ±16km East of Mano, road Mano to Bomi Hills 7.367 −10.883
Pelvicachromis roloffi (Thys van den Audenaerde) RMCA_Vert_1973.010.P.6830-6847 3 0 16/04/1969 Sierra Leone Pujehun, Waanje River and its tributaries marigots up- and downstream of the bridge at the level of the Gobaru hamlet 7.350 −11.700
Pelvicachromis sacrimontis Paulo RMCA_Vert_P.138748-138755 1 0 16/10/2007 Nigeria Aba 5.117 7.367
Chromidotilapia schoutedeni (Poll & Thys van den Audenaerde) RMCA_Vert_1996.040.P.0001-0008 1 0 06/06/1995 Democratic Republic of the Congo Ngene-Ngene River, road to Buta, km 16 in Kisangani 0.626 25.286
Congochromis squamiceps (Boulenger) RMCA_Vert_P.175561-175570 2 0 1955 Democratic Republic of the Congo Equateur Region, Ikela, Tshuapa River −1.183 23.267
Pelvicachromis subocellatus (Günther) RMCA_Vert_1999.055.P.1848-1858 2 0 08/10/1998 Gabon Moukalaba River, 22km downstream from Douano (no coordinates found)
Pelvicachromis taeniatus (Boulenger) RMCA_Vert_1977.017.P.1264-1270 1 0 02/1973 Cameroon Kribi, Kienke River 2.933 9.900

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