Open Access

Figures 35–40


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Micrographs of cystacanths (Figs. 35, 36) and adults in histopathological sections (Figs. 37–40) of Profilicollis altmani from Emerita analoga and Larus belcheri, respectively. 35. Posterior portion of the incipient female reproductive system of a cystacanth. Note the two sets of lateral para-vaginal fibrillar strands; left bundle marked (FS). 36. Terminal gonopore and the developing proximal portion of a female system in another cystacanth. Note the body wall layers invaginating into the barely visible reproductive system ducts (arrows). 37. A section showing the serosa (S) of the host intestine and the mucosa and submucosa (M) with disruption of the villi (V) near the worm (W) interface. 38. Crowding effect in this heavily infected host gut is evident with parts of these 3 worms (W) totally destroying the tips of the villi (V). The lemnisci (L) of the worm in the center are prominent. 39. A different perspective of a section in another heavy infection with 3 worms (W) with the central worms featuring both lemnisci (L) with corrugated surface epithelium. Note the destruction of the tips of the villi (V) and its disintegration into necrotic tissue (N). 40. A worm (W) in a different section of the host gut showing various types of destruction and disorientation of the mucosal layers, formation of necrotic tissue (N) and hemorrhaging (H). Reproductive cells (RC) continue to be produced in worms (females) (W) at that stage of infection.

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