Open Access

Table 2

Animal samples collected from various hosts from three different areas in Sichuan Wolong National Nature reserve in Sichuan Province, southwestern China.

Host Scientific name GD YC NT No. of Blastocystis-positive/overall
 Tibetan macaque Macaca thibetana 3 0/3
 Snub-nosed monkey Rhinopithecus roxellanae 2 1/2
 Sambar Rusa unicolor 18 13 8 8/39
 Sika deer Cervus nippon 14 5/14
 Long-tailed goral Naemorhedus griseus 15 2 5/17
 Crested deer Elaphodus cephalophus 2 4 2 4/8
 Chinese antelope Capricornis milneedwardsii 1 1 1 1/3
 Dwarf musk deer Moschus berezovskii 12 1 6 0/19
 Takin Budorcas taxicolor 15 9 1 0/25
 Blue sheep Pseudois nayaur 34 8 3/42
 Tibetan antelope Pantholops hodgsonii 1 0/1
 Yak Bos mutus 15 0/15
 Gaur Bos gaurus 1 0/1
 Goral Naemorhedus goral 10 0/10
 Wild pig Sus scrofa 4 0/4
 Porcupine Hystrix hodgsoni 5 1 1 1/7
 Sand badger Arctonyx collaris 2 1 1/3
 Lesser panda Ailurus fulgens 2 8 0/10
 Leopard cat Prionailurus bengalensis 3 3 4 1/10
 Giant panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca 11 19 10 0/40
 Stone Marten Martes foina 2 0/2
 Swinhoe Paguma larvata taivana 1 0/1
 Asiatic black bear Ursus thibetanus 1 0/1
 Jackal Cuon alpinus 1 0/1
 Snow leopard Panthera uncia 6 13 0/19
 Blood Pheasant Ithaginis cruentus 1 0/1
 Phasianus versicolor Lophophorus lhuysii 2 0/2
Total 127 93 80 30/300

GD = Genda; YC = Yinchanggou; NT Niutoushan.

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