Table 2

Descriptive data of parasitological analysis (FEC = fecal egg count), timing of treatment, and dosage regime of the flocks included in this study (n = 1378).

n % 95% CI
Frequency of FEC per year* Never 891 67.7 62.1–67.2
 Lambs 1 time 138 10.0 8.5–11.7
2 times 36 2.6 1.8–3.6
3 or more 26 1.9 1.2–2.8
On suspicion 428 31.1 28.6–33.6
Frequency of FEC per year* Never 864 62.7 60.1–65.3
 Ewes 1 time 148 10.7 9.2–12.5
2 times 34 2.5 1.7–3.4
3 or more 21 1.5 0.9–2.3
On suspicion 414 30.0 27.6–32.5
Basis for timing of treatment* Previous experience 959 69.6 67.1–72.0
Housing 885 64.2 61.6–66.8
Pasture rotation 497 36.1 33.5–38.7
Regularity 350 25.4 23.1–27.8
Clinical signs 333 24.2 21.9–26.5
Weather 258 18.7 16.7–20.9
FEC 155 11.2 9.6–13.1
Determination of dosage Weigh each animal 1 0.1 0.0–0.4
Visual estimation of weight 194 14.1 12.3–16.0
Weighing a medium sized animal 492 35.7 33.2–38.3
Weighing the largest animal 235 17.1 15.1–19.1
Combination, not specified 456 33.1 30.6–35.6
Total 1378
Drench gun calibration per year Never 115 8.4 6.9–9.9
On suspicion that it doesn’t work 500 36.3 33.7–38.9
Once 232 16.8 14.9–18.9
1–2 times 284 20.6 18.5–22.8
More often 247 17.9 15.9–20.1
Total 1378

*Possible to select several alternatives.

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