Table 1

Farms and animals included in both studies as well as further details on study design.

Study 1 Study 2
Time period of first examination September–October 2018 Nov. – Dec. 2019 except #31 (Feb. 2020) and #32 + #33 (Sept. – Oct. 2020)
Min./max. number of animals examined/farm 10–70 10–40
Number farms/animals examined 13/500 19/375
Breed Tyrolian mountain sheep Various sheep breeds
Number farms/animals included in FECRT 11/126 19/263
Threshold EPG for inclusion in FECRT ≥100 ≥50
Number of animals with EPG ≥ 200 93 (73%) 168 (63.9%)
Treatment decision by Institute of Parasitology in consultation with attending veterinarian and farmer Attending veterinarian and farmers
Treatment and sampling performed by A project team member (FU) The attending veterinarian, a project team member (VF, MHR or WK) or the farmer during the presence of a project team member (VF, MHR or WK).
Drug provided by Institute of Parasitology, Vetmeduni Vienna Attending veterinarian
Anthelmintic compounds used MOX (Cydectin®, Elanco) 0.2 mg/kg BW and/or Fenbendazole (FBZ) (Panacur® Suspension 2.5%, MSD) 5 mg/kg BW Different compounds and formulations of the groups of BZs; MLs as well as MON (see Table 3)
Farms not visited but samples sent in. Sampling and treatment performed by attending veterinarian N = 6 (#26, 27, 32, 31, 33)

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