Open Access
Table 2
Acrididae hosts used in this study, sampling dates, host status and sampled gregarines. “Sick” hosts died rapidly (within days) in laboratory conditions in contrast to “healthy” hosts that were maintained for weeks.
Acrididae host/designation in study | Source | Host status | Gregarines sampled |
Schistocerca gregaria gregaria (2014)/SG-M | Long-standing laboratory strain from CNLA Agadir, Morocco | Sick | Young trophozoites in ceca, gamonts, syzygies and gametocysts in the midgut, occasionally gametocysts in feces; high infection level |
Schistocerca gregaria gregaria (2014)/SG-B | Long-standing laboratory strain from KU Leuven, Belgium | Healthy | Young trophozoites in ceca, gamonts, syzygies and gametocysts in the midgut, occasionally gametocysts in feces; high infection level |
Schistocerca gregaria flaviventris (2014)/SG-SA | Natural population from Tankwa Karoo National Park, South Africa | Sick | Young trophozoites in ceca, gamonts, syzygies and gametocysts in the midgut, occasionally gametocysts in feces; high infection level |
Locusta migratoria (2012, 2014, 2015)/LM-M | Long-standing laboratory strain from MNHN Vivarium, France | Healthy | Gamonts, syzygies and gametocysts in the midgut, occasionally gametocysts in feces; mild infection level |
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