Figure 3
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Phylogenetic tree built using 69 SSU rDNA sequences for 1,433 sites in order to zoom in on the clade Gregarinoidea including gregarines parasites of Orthoptera [11]. Outgroup consists of 4 sequences from Cephaloidophoroidea species that infect crustaceans, currently considered as the sister group of Gregarinoidea [29]. Evolutionary history is inferred by maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference using a GTR substitution model with gamma-distributed rate variation across sites plus invariant sites. Maximum likelihood topology is shown, with supports from both methods. Bootstrap < 75% and posterior probabilities < 0.95 are not shown. Black spots indicate 100/1 supports. The gregarines infecting L. migratoria clustered with G. caledia, isolated from the grasshopper Caledia captiva [30], the gregarines infecting S. gregaria forming a distinct independent clade. G. chortiocetes, infecting the locust Chortiocetes terminifera [30], and Gregarina blattarum, infecting the cockroach Blatella germanica [11] form sister branches to this group. The taxonomy of locust hosts is indicated, as established by Song et al, [38].
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