Open Access

Table 1

Mean pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters in the two groups of animals treated with IVM.

PK parameters Value Treatment group
500 mg (1.5–2 mg/kg) 1000 mg (3–4 mg/kg)
Cmax (ng/mL) Mean 16.3 36.2
SD 5.4 6.9
CV (%) 33.2 19.1
Tmax (days) Median 2.00 0.25
Clast (ng/mL) Mean 3.10 6.02
SD 1.23 1.55
AUC0–tlast (ng day/mL) Mean 1239 3116
SD 636 581

Cmax = maximum observed plasma concentration; Tmax = time of maximum observed plasma concentration; Clast = last measurable concentration (above the quantification limit); AUC0–tlast = area under the concentration-time curve to the last measurable concentration; SD = standard deviation; CV = coefficient of variation.

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