Open Access
Table 3
List of Gyrodactylus species included in the phylogenetic analyses with their hosts, collection site, GenBank accession number, and reference.
Species | Host | Locality | GenBank | Reference |
Gyrodactylus branchicus | Gasterosteus aculeatus | Bothnian Bay, Oulu, Finland | AY061977 | [71] |
Gyrodactylus branchicus | Gasterosteus aculeatus | Schelde River, Doel, Belgium | AF156669 | [72] |
Gyrodactylus rarus | Pungitius pungitius | Bothnian Bay, Oulu, Finland | AY061976 | [71] |
Gyrodactylus rarus | Pungitius pungitius | Wilkojadka River, Baltic Sea basin, Poland | FJ435193 | [58] |
Gyrodactylus rarus | Spinachia spinachia | Trondheim Biological, Station, Norway | AY338445 | [27] |
Gyrodactylus perlucidus | Zoarces viviparus | Manndalselva River, Barents Sea basin, Norway | FJ435202 | [58] |
Gyrodactylus medaka | Oryzias latipes | Midori River, Kumamoto, Japan | LC368478 | [47] |
Gyrodactylus medaka | Oryzias latipes | Nuta River, Hiroshima, Japan | LC368475 | [47] |
Gyrodactylus medaka | Oryzias latipes | AORI Laboratories, University of Tokyo, Tokyo | LC368479 | [47] |
Gyrodactylus medaka | Oryzias latipes | Sonose River, Tokushima, Japan | LC368477 | [47] |
Gyrodactylus alexgusevi | Lota lota | Oulujoki, Oulu, Finland | AY061979 | [71] |
Gyrodactylus groenlandicus | Myoxocephalus scorpius | Little Tancook Island, Nova Scotia, Canada | KJ095104 | [33] |
Gyrodactylus alexanderi | Gasterosteus aculeatus | Lake Skagvatn, South Trondelag County, Norway | JN695633 | [23] |
Gyrodactylus alexanderi | Gasterosteus aculeatus | Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada | JF836144 | [21] |
Gyrodactylus alexanderi | Gasterosteus aculeatus | Horne Lake, Strait of Georgia, Pacific Ocean basin, Canada | FJ435201 | [58] |
Gyrodactylus wilkesi | Trematomus bernacchi | Prince Gustav Channel, Weddell Sea, Antarctica | LT719091 | [25] |
Gyrodactylus lamothei | Girardinichthys multiradiatus | San Nicolas Peralta, Lerma river basin, Mexico | KX555668 | [59] |
Gyrodactylus lamothei | Girardinichthys multiradiatus | San Nicolas Peralta, Lerma river basin, Mexico | KX555667 | [59] |
Gyrodactylus lamothei | Girardinichthys multiradiatus | San Nicolas Peralta, Lerma river basin, Mexico | KX555666 | [59] |
Gyrodactylus katamba | Goodea atripinnis | Santiago Mezquititlan, Queretaro, Mexico | KR815854 | [18] |
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