Open Access
Table 1
Characterization of the metacaspase protein in different Leishmania species. ND: not determined.
Species | Gene ID | Wild-type expression | Processing | Localization | Enzymatic activity | Apoptotic stimuli inducing MCA activity | Role other than in apoptosis | References |
L. major | LmjF.35.1580 | In promastigotes and amastigotes | Auto-processing | Depends on the cell cycle phase; cytoplasm and mitochondrion; associated with the kinetoplast and the mitotic spindle | Trypsine-like activity (no caspase-like activity), catalytic dyad (H147/C202) | H2O2, heat shock, miltefosine, curcumin | Autophagy | González et al. (2007) [35]; Ambit et al. (2008) [2]; Zalila et al. (2011) [73]; Basmaciyan et al. (2018) [7] |
L. donovani | LdBPK_35180.1 | In promastigotes and axenic amastigotes | No processing | Acidocalcisomes (inhibited?) | Trypsine-like activity (no caspase-like activity), catalytic dyad (H147/C202) | H2O2 | ND | Lee et al. (2007) [44] |
L. mexicana | LmxM.34.1580 | ND | ND | Mainly cytoplasmic | Catalytic dyad (H147/C202) | Miltefosine (not H2O2 and not camptothecin) | Negative regulator of intracellular amastigote proliferation | Castanys-Muñoz et al. (2012) [17] |
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