Open Access

Table 1.

Benzoylphenyl ureas currently approved for use on domestic animals.

Active Ingredient Target pests Target animals Introduction Major countries
Diflubenzuron Dung-breeding flies Cattle 1970s USA
Blowfly strike Sheep 1990s Australia, New Zealand
Sea lice Salmonids 1990s Chile, Norway, Faroe Islands
Fluazuron Ticks Cattle 1990s Australia, Latin America, South Africa
Lufenuron Fleas Dogs, cats 1980s Worldwide
Sea Lice Salmonids 2010s Chile
Novaluron Fleas Dogs, cats 2010s USA
Dung-breeding flies, ticks Cattle 2010s Brazil
Teflubenzuron Sea Lice Salmonids 1990s Canada, EU, Norway, Faroe Islands
Triflumuron Blowfly strike, lice Sheep 1990s Australia (lice), New Zealand

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