Open Access

Table 3

Wild felid species present in North Africa.

Species Description Geographic distribution Reference
Caracal Body length: 61–105 cm Mauritania, Morocco, [89]
Caracal caracal Schreber, 1776 Height: 40–50 cm Algeria, Tunisia, Libya,
Weight: 8–20 kg Egypt
In captivity, average lifespan as long as 16 years
Chaus Relatively short tail, long legs, big Morocco, Algeria, Egypt [95]
Felis chaus Schreber, 1777 pointed ears
Sand cat Weight: 2–3 kg Morocco, Algeria, [100]
Felis margarita Loche, 1858 Living in arid areas with temperatures ranging from 0 °C to 58 °C Tunisia, Libya, Egypt
Serval Medium sized African cats Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia [89]
Felis serval Schrever, 1776 Body length: approximately 60 cm
Weight: on average 14 kg
Average life in the wild is 10 years
African wildcat Body length: 40–66 cm Morocco, Algeria,
Felis silvestris lybica Forster, 1780 Tail length: 24–37 cm Tunisia, Libya, Egypt
Weight: 2.4–6.4 kg

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