Open Access

Table 1

Characteristics of North African countries.

Country Capital city Area (km2) Sahara surface (km2) Population (2017) Density (inhabitants/km2 in 2017) Percentage of total world population (%) Percentage urban population (2017) (%) Median age (years)
Morocco Rabat 446,300 35,913,182 80 0.47 59.6 28.3
Algeria Algiers 2,381,740 2,000,000 41,582,461 17 0.55 73 27.8
Tunisia Tunis 155,360 90,000 11,580,938 74 0.15 66.9 31.4
Libya Tripoli 1,759,540 700,000 6,411,555 4 0.08 80.3 27.6
Egypt Cairo 995,450 3,000,000 98,250,741 98 1.29 38.8 24.8

Source: Worldmeters [127].

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