Open Access

Table 1.

GenBank accession numbers for leech sequences used in the phylogenetic analysis of Placobdelloides.

Taxon GenBank accession numbers
AN000016CE MH777419 MH777409
AN000017CE MH777420 MH777413
AN000018CE MH777418 MH777411
AN000021CE MH777415 MH777412
AN000022CE MH777417 MH777410
AN000023CE MH777416 MH777414
Placobdelloides jaegerskioeldi AY962463 AY962450
Placobdelloides multistriata DQ414338 DQ414383
Placobdelloides siamensis AY962449 AY962462
Alboglossiphonia heteroclite AF116016 AY047339
Alboglossiphonia quadrata AY962455 AY962441
Alboglossiphonia weberi AY962453 AY962440
Batracobdelloides tricarinata AY962457 AY962445
Glossiphonia baicalensis AY047329 AY047355
Glossiphonia complanate MF458715 AY047345
Glossiphonia concolor AY962458 AY962446
Glossiphonia elegans AY047322 AY047335
Glossiphonia verrucata AY962459 AY962447
Helobdella fusca AF329038 AF329061
Helobdella robusta MF067148 MF067201
Hemiclepsis marginata AF003259 AY047336
Hirudo medicinalis HQ333517 KU672396
Marsupiobdella africana AF116015 AY047347
Placobdella montifera MF067129 MF067212
Placobdella pediculate MF067121 MF067222
Theromyzon bifarium AY047330 AY047356
Theromyzon tessulatum AY047318 AY047338

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