Open Access
Table 1.
GenBank accession numbers for leech sequences used in the phylogenetic analysis of Placobdelloides.
Taxon | GenBank accession numbers |
COI | ND1 | |
Ingroup | ||
AN000016CE | MH777419 | MH777409 |
AN000017CE | MH777420 | MH777413 |
AN000018CE | MH777418 | MH777411 |
AN000021CE | MH777415 | MH777412 |
AN000022CE | MH777417 | MH777410 |
AN000023CE | MH777416 | MH777414 |
Placobdelloides jaegerskioeldi | AY962463 | AY962450 |
Placobdelloides multistriata | DQ414338 | DQ414383 |
Placobdelloides siamensis | AY962449 | AY962462 |
Outgroup | ||
Alboglossiphonia heteroclite | AF116016 | AY047339 |
Alboglossiphonia quadrata | AY962455 | AY962441 |
Alboglossiphonia weberi | AY962453 | AY962440 |
Batracobdelloides tricarinata | AY962457 | AY962445 |
Glossiphonia baicalensis | AY047329 | AY047355 |
Glossiphonia complanate | MF458715 | AY047345 |
Glossiphonia concolor | AY962458 | AY962446 |
Glossiphonia elegans | AY047322 | AY047335 |
Glossiphonia verrucata | AY962459 | AY962447 |
Helobdella fusca | AF329038 | AF329061 |
Helobdella robusta | MF067148 | MF067201 |
Hemiclepsis marginata | AF003259 | AY047336 |
Hirudo medicinalis | HQ333517 | KU672396 |
Marsupiobdella africana | AF116015 | AY047347 |
Placobdella montifera | MF067129 | MF067212 |
Placobdella pediculate | MF067121 | MF067222 |
Theromyzon bifarium | AY047330 | AY047356 |
Theromyzon tessulatum | AY047318 | AY047338 |
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