Open Access

Table 2.

Results of entomological surveys and infection rates of S. glossinidius according to villages

Survey villages Number of traps Number of flies captured ADT Number teneral flies (%) Number of flies analyzed Number of flies hosting S. glossinidius (%) 95% CI
Bechati 12 54 1.12 1 (1.85) 54 21 (38.89) 27.45 – 53.22
Besali 5 4 0.2 0 (0.00) 4 1 (25.00) 3.35 – 76.22
Folepi 13 145 2.79 7 (4.83) 145 46 (31.72) 23.99 – 39.35
Menji 12 71 1.48 1 (1.41) 71 28 (39.44) 27.96 – 50.4
Total 42 274 1.63 9 (3.28) 274 96 (35.04)
p-value 0.5801

ADT: apparent density per trap per day; (%): S. glossinidius infection rate; CI: Confidence interval.

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