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Figures 8-13


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SEM of specimens of Cavisoma magnum collected from Mugil cephalus in the Arabian Gulf. 8. A lateral view of a proboscis not fully extended showing one lateral neck sensory pore (arrow). 9. A slightly invaginated apical end of a proboscis showing retracted epidermal cone. 10. A high magnification of a proboscis hook showing the shallow longitudinal serrations on the surface of hooks. 11. A longitudinal gallium cut of a proboscis hook showing the thick sulfur-rich hardened areas at the hook tip and edge (Table 3). 12. High magnification of the neck sensory pore shown in Figure 8. 13. A cross section of a gravid female showing the thick tegument and lacunar canals and a mass of eggs within the ligament sac in the body cavity (arrow).

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