Open Access

Table 2

Prevalence and genotype distribution of Enterocytozoon bieneusi in red deer and roe deer by age and by gender.

Red deer (Cervus elaphus) Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus)

   No. examined No. positive (%) Genotype (n) No. examined No. positive (%) Genotype (n)
Age Young 20 1 (5.0) BEB6 (1)
Adult 84 7 (8.3) BEB6 (6); HLJD-VI (1) 18 2 (11.1) BEB6 (2)
Gender Female 74 6 (8.1) BEB6 (6) 16 2 (12.5) BEB6 (2)
Male 30 2 (6.7) BEB6 (1); HLJD-VI (1) 2 0 (0)

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