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Figure 2


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Evaluation of α and β-AR blockers during acute amebic liver infection in the hamster. (A) Representative pictures of healthy controls (intact), infected animals (ALA group), hamsters infected and pre-treated with 6-OHDA, propranolol and phentolamine (6-OHDA+ALA, propranolol + ALA, phentolamine + ALA, respectively). The hematoxylin and eosin stain (H&E) shows inflammatory infiltrates (white asterisk) and necrotic areas (white arrow) with islands of normal hepatic parenchyma (black asterisk). The 6-OHDA + ALA and propranolol + ALA groups showed hemorrhagic (dotted yellow line) and inflammatory cells (white asterisk); and phentolamine + ALA showed small areas of inflammatory cells (white asterisk). Scale bars, 50 μm. (B) Quantification of necrotic areas. (C) Quantification of inflammatory areas. * p<0.05 (five animals per group).

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