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Figure 7


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Silencing of EgHR3 by siRNAs. Efficiency of electroporation for transformation of control labeled siRNA into PSC. a and b, untransformed PSC; c and d, transformed PSCs (A). Silencing efficacy of siRNA for EgHR3 in PSCs at two concentrations (1 and 5 μM) of siRNA. U-0 day and U-3 day, untreated PSCs or untreated PSCs cultured in vitro for 3 days; E-3 day, PSCs treated by electroporation only and then cultured for 3 days; siRNA1-3, siRNAEgHR3-73, siRNAEgHR3-304 and siRNAEgHR3-373 transfected PSCs which were cultured in vitro for 3 days; NsiRNA-3 day, non-labeled negative control siRNA transfected PSCs which were cultured in vitro for 3 days (B). Silencing efficacy of small RNA fragments on the viability of E. granulosus PSC (C).

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