Figure 6
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Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of the transcription of EgHR3. The transcription of EgHR3 in different developmental stages of E. granulosus: AW, adult worms; CM, cyst germinal layer (A). The transcription of EgHR3 at different time points of cultured E. granulosus protoscoleces (B). PSCs, protoscoleces; PSC-P: PSCs treated with pepsin; PSC-PT: PSCs treated with pepsin and trypsin; PSC-B3h, PSC-B12h, PSC-B24h: PSCs treated with pepsin and trypsin then cultured with sodium taurocholate for 3, 12, and 24 h; PSC-B3d: PSCs treated with pepsin and trypsin then cultured with sodium taurocholate for 3 days; PSC-B2w: PSCs treated with pepsin and trypsin then cultured with sodium taurocholate for 2 weeks. The data were normalized using the housekeeping gene Eg-eif. *, significant difference compared with the expression level in PSCs.
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