Open Access

Table 2.

Effects of ASTX in T. cruzi infected Vero cell culture (24 h post-treatment).

ASTX or NFMX doses
1 μg
5 μg
10 μg
20 μg
30 μg
NFMX 400 μg
Parameters/Cell Tc Vc Tc Vc Tc Vc Tc Vc Tc Vc Tc Vc
IP + + + +
EP + + + +
Motility + + + +
Viability + + + + + + + + +
Loss of cellular form + + +
Integrity of the cell membrane + + + + + + + + +

ASTX dose (astaxanthin, 1–40 μg); NFMX (nifurtimox 400 μg); IP (intracellular parasite); EP (extracellular parasite); + (presence); − (absence); Tc (Trypanosoma cruzi); Vc (Vero cell). Integrity of the cell membrane was evaluated through Trypan Blue assay [28, 45].

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