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(A): Blood parasitemia observed in mice acutely infected with Trypanosoma cruzi (Tc) and treated with astaxanthin (ASTX) and/or nifurtimox (NFMX). Controls included infected animals with no treatment at all (G1), or animals treated with ASTX and/or NFMX without T. cruzi infection (G5–G8). Blood samples (4 μL) were collected and microscopically analyzed every other day from days 5 to 30 post-infection. Mean number of parasites ± SD, (B): Detail of parasitemia for groups G3 (Tc/ASTX/NFMX) and G4 (Tc/NFMX). Different characters above lines show statistical differences (p < 0.05) among treatments within the same day of sampling according to Tukey’s test.

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