Open Access

Table 2.

Biometrical data (in μm) on Cepedea longa and comparison with former reports.

Host species Locality Parameter
Source of data
BL BW Nnu Dnu
F. limnocharis Diaocha Lake, Hubei Province, China 727.7 46.9 129.6 7.5 Present study
M 748.8 48.0 132 7.8
Max 816.0 57.6 170 10.4
Min 508.8 36.0 75 4.5
SD 82.7 6.2 29.5 1.7
CV (%) 11.4 13.1 22.8 23.2
N 20 20 20 40
F. limnocharis Nanking, Jiangsu Province, China 1,162.0 42.5 5.7 Nie (1935) [40]
Max 1,820.0 7.6
F. limnocharis Tokyo, Japan; Gillan, Formosa 1,000.0 75.0 Metcalf (1923) [31]
Range 3.2–5.5
F. limnocharis Medak, India 680.0 52.0 Bezzenberger (1904) [3]
Range 4.5–7.5

Measurements in μm; , M = median, Max = maximum, Min = minimum, SD = standard deviation, CV = coefficient of variation, Nnu = number of nucleus, Dnu = diameter of nucleus.

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