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Figure 1.


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Chromidina elegans (Foettinger, 1881) Gonder, 1905: morphology. (A) General view of infected renal sac. Parasites are attached to the renal tissues by their anterior end with their cell body hanging free in the renal coelom. (B) Tropho-tomont. (C, D) Club-like and inflated anterior ends of tropho-tomonts (*: apical papillum). (E) Apical ciliature consisting of 14 kineties that extend continuously through the entire cell body. (F) Palintomy (arrow: protomites with condensed chromatin). (G) Cell body ciliature. (H) First generation of protomites (arrow: fission plan). (I) Chain of second generation of protomites (arrows). (J) Free tomite (*: micronucleus, arrow: macronucleus). (A, B) Haematoxylin staining. (C, E, G–I) Chatton’s silver impregnation. (D, F, J) Osmium staining. Unless otherwise indicated, bar = 100 μm. (A–J) Neohapantotype and paraneohapantotypes.

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