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Figures 1–12.


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Torrestrongylus tetradorsalis n. sp. 1: Anterior end of male, ventral view, showing the esophagus and the relative positions of the nerve ring and deirids; note separation of cuticular projection in anterior vesicle. 2: Anterior end of female, lateral view showing the relative position of the nerve ring, deirid, and excretory pore; note continuous cuticular expansion in anterior vesicle. 3: Detail of the cephalic vesicle showing the anterior half with the lateral projections forming an umbrella and the posterior half with “handles of a pitcher” appearance. 4: Ovejector of female showing flap in anterior lip of vulva, vagina vera, infundibulum, sphincters, and uterine branches containing mature eggs. 5: Face view of male, showing arrangement of papillae and cuticular expansions of the anterior cephalic vesicle. 6: Posterior end of male, showing the relative position of spicules and gubernaculum. 7: Spicule. 8: Gubernaculum. 9: Egg. 10: Caudal bursa showing bursal arrangement and bifurcation of dorsal ray. 11: Lateral view of tail of female. 12: Ventral view of tail of female.

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