Table 4.

Faecal egg count reduction percentages in 10 Danish goat herds in 2012, according to three different calculation methods.

Herd Drug n Coles et al. 1992 Presidente 1985 McKenna (1990)
2 IVM 10 99.7 (97.3–100) 99.4 99.7
FBZ 10 92.7 (84.9–96.5)R 90.8 95.3
C 10 49.2
3 IVM 7 98.8
10 IVM 13 71.4R
16 IVM 13 65.9R
18 IVM 8 80.6 (62.2–90.1)R 82.8R 82.1R
FEN 8 56.3 (27.7–73.3)R 51.1R 49.1R
C 8 −4.0
22 IVM 10 84.5 (68–92.5)R 83.9R 49.7R
FEN 10 21.2 (–157.5–75.9)R −56.2R −389.6R
C 10 −213.5
23 IVM 10 −28.6 (−218.7–48.1)R 55.2R 45.9R
C 10 −20.9
25 IVM 7 89.4R
26 IVM 10 84.1R
27 IVM 8 69R

R = AR is declared according to the specific calculation method. IVM = ivermectin, FBZ = fenbendazole, C = untreated controls. The 95% confidence interval is indicated in brackets.

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