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Figure 1.


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Footpad swelling in CD-1 mice after two weeks of infection with 1 × 106 L. mexicana promastigotes. Top: four groups of mice were treated either with saline, T. procumbens extract, A. sativum extract or the mixture of T. procumbens and A. sativum extracts. The treatments were applied i.p. daily for two weeks. Bottom: the footpad thickness was measured and compared to the noninoculated footpad for each mouse for 12 weeks. Each point represents the average increase of the infected footpad thickness, standard error (n = 6). Comparison of four experimental groups in 12 weeks after infection, each symbol represents each mouse of the group, the horizontal line represents the mean, and * indicates significant differences with the PBS-treatment control group (unpaired t-test, p < 0.05).

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