Open Access

Table 2.

Prevalence and intensity of bovine paramphistomosis in bull calves for each season during the two-year study.

Season September 2010–August 2011
September 2011–August 2012
Number of bull calves studied (prevalence %) Mean parasite burden ± SD Number of bull calves studied (prevalence %) Mean parasite burden ± SD
Autumn 253 (14.6) 160.9 ± 130.4 211 (13.7) 185.4 ± 133.5
Winter 176 (9.09) 178.1 ± 71.3 169 (8.2) 214.6 ± 151.8
Spring 185 (20.0) 99.1 ± 80.9 121 (23.1) 78.8 ± 104.3
Summer 169 (23.0) 101.3 ± 75.8 118 (16.1) 98.8 ± 74.8
Total 783 (14.6) 125.8 ± 99.9 619 (14.5) 139.4 ± 131.0

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